

Collaboration Mode: GPLv3

Zak pointed me towards the new draft GPLv3(*) comments site. Zak and I were disscussing some of the DRM issues and I wanted to take a closer look myself. While I've not yet had time to really dive into the issue, what stood out right away (and Zak mentioned) was the mode of collaboration over this important document.

Anyone can select text and comment on it. As more people comment on specific slices of text, the colour of the text changes from white to red to black, so you can immediately see what parts of the document are under intense scrutiny. This kind of collaboration is a great way for computers and the Internet to help bring out the wisdom we have.

(*) The GPL is the core of free software, and I really like free software because it provides a foundation that is the software we all own, as a species. If you've never seen the GPL before, take a look at the document preamble.


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