

The Zen of Tagging

Originally uploaded by slightly-less-random.
There was a point, not so long ago, that I had great difficulty tagging pictures with the handles of the people in them.

Strange, isn't it?

The rationale is simple enough. I'd always like to present people at their best; so therefore, only tag the very best pictures of them.

There are two problems with this.

1) Sometimes the value is simply the pictures existance and not the composition, expressions, etc. So tag with names even if the picture kind of sucks, so that we can go back and remember the way things were. The number and time of photos is also significant.

2) It is sort of arrogant for me to think that I know how to cast someone in the best light. If I've decided to post a photo with someone in it (and also decided not to delete it) then I might as well tag it so it can be found later.

So now the decision is simple. Always tag with handles, if the photo is posted, and I can recognize the person in the photo.

Does this line up with how you feel about it? (This applies to everyone, not just flickr people).


Blogger [The User] said...

I've always tagged all my images with whoever's in them. I want to be able to search them later - good or bad.

10:18 p.m.  

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