

Ten great things about the weekend

1) Showing old friends new places; Floata Restaurant and Sweet Revenge.
2) Sara and Derek are still as much of an adorably cute couple now as they were a year and a half ago. So damn cute. Please you two, think about the single people!
3) Sam, P****!
4) Having a great meal, watching a fun movie, and as a bonus getting some pretty decent photos with Derek, Sara, Jonas, Conan, Josh, Sam, Hez, and Jen.
5) Brunch on Saturday with Hez. Hez, Erin and Jonas are all travelling to the Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) for three weeks in June, lucky blokes.
6) Photowalk and dinner with Josh (xdjio); finding a flying bicycle. Josh is heading to New York for 5 days on the 14th. Werner Herzog, Grizzly Man, Timothy Treadwell. Oh yeah, and "Popol Vuh" is an interesting band.
7) Talking with Rachael on the bus; Bogey is lucky to be alive.
8) Dan's housewarming; wow Dan, you have a great new place. Love the view. Really good to re-connect with some of the 'ol CUCBC people. Dave is still the best (wall) painter I know.
9) Meeting Mike, Martin, Robert and Clint for brunch on Sunday morning. First time to meet all four; "pretty brave to go without a wing man" says Mike. First impressions; good guys, good mix. Two of them use Debian derivatives. And did you know that in the video game "Battlefield 2", a medic can make a kill using his defibrillator?
9b) DOXA with Jason; I already blogged about this!
10) Walking into the Granville St. underpass at the same moment as a woman singing "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine" walked in from the other end. Lovely!


Blogger Hendrik said...

Sounds like a fun, social weekend.

8:02 p.m.  
Blogger sonneva said...

Yeah and all I have to say to #3 is R*****! :P

11:07 a.m.  
Blogger Sara said...

We just can't help it... sorry single peeps! You can blame Hez for helping set us up!

12:14 p.m.  

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